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  • Writer's pictureDavid Wilkins

Should You Hang a Mirror Over Your Bed?

mirror hanging above bed

The bedroom is one of the most popular rooms in the home for having a mirror. Most bedrooms will have some sort of mirror, be it the doors on a built in wardrobe, a floor mirror or hanging on the wall.

But sometimes the question arises of where the best placement is for a mirror.

Above the bed is a common choice, but is it practical? Does it bring bad luck? Is it a good décor or interior design choice?

You want your bedroom to not only be stylish, but somewhere you can rest peacefully.

So should you hang a mirror above a bed? Yes and no. According to Feng Shui you shouldn’t hang a mirror over your bed or have a mirror in the bedroom at all. But many interior designers recommend using mirrors, and above the bed is one such place.

Confused? I guess if you’re not convinced about the validity of Feng Shui and how the layout and design of a space affects the energy of the room, then hanging your mirror above the bed can be a great décor and style choice.

If you do have concerns around creating good energy for your bedroom, but still would really like a mirror over your bed, then there’s things that can be done to minimize and even counteract the yang energy that having a mirror above the bed creates.

Is Hanging a Mirror Above the Bed Bad Feng Shui?

Your bedroom should be a retreat from the world, a space to relax, be at peace at the day’s end and ultimately fall asleep.

So is it bad luck to hang a mirror above your bed?

According to Feng Shui, any mirror in the bedroom can detract from that feeling of the bedroom being a sanctuary as they stir up and disturb the atmosphere in the room. Thus creating less than ideal energies that can interfere with healing and even your love life!

Being a hard and reflective surface, mirrors can capture and magnify any portion of light or murmur of sound, ultimately leading to a disturbed nights rest.

Having a bed under a window is also bad Feng Shui as it allows your Chi energy to escape. A mirror creates a window like effect, and being above the bed is an opportunity for that Chi to be diminished.

I find this interesting, as I’ve slept in places where the bed has been under a window. Especially on a clear and starry or moonlit night, with the curtains or blinds open, I found it really relaxing.

bed under window

According to Feng Shui it’s not ideal to sleep under a window. But it can be very relaxing having moonlight streaming in and having the stars look down on you whilst you doze.

I don’t believe hanging a mirror above your bed will necessarily bring bad luck ( unless you didn’t fix it to the wall properly! ) But if you’re aligned with the advice that Feng Shui offers, then perhaps it’s best to have a mirror free bedroom.

But Wait .. Don’t Give up Hanging That Mirror Just Yet!

It may not be the ideal place for creating the best possible energy in your bedroom, but if you really like the look of the mirror above your bed, there are steps you can take to reduce, and possibly counteract the negative effects that Feng Shui suggests hanging a mirror above a bed can create.

One solution is to cover the mirror at night before you go to sleep. With wardrobe and floor to ceiling mirrors a stylish solution can be to have curtains that can be drawn. Not really a very attractive idea for a mirror above the bed though.

Another solution is to apply a film or frosting. This may work if you’re using the mirror to help bounce a bit of extra light around the bedroom, or you simply want it for it’s decorative value. You may not need the full reflectivity of the mirror, and this still allows for the mirror to be used as a décor element.

Facing Your Bed to Create Good Feng Shui

The bed is an important aspect for Feng Shui, and perhaps you’re able to rearrange it to nurture better energy and balance that of the mirror above it.

The main aspect is where the bed is placed. Ideally the further from the door the better. You need to be able to see the door from your bed, but just not be in line with it.

A solid wall behind the bed is good for creating a nurturing and protective energy, as well as holding on to this energy whilst you sleep. You’re going to be hanging a mirror above your bed, so a good strong wall is needed anyhow.

When drifting off to sleep, the healing energies become active, and a solid headboard, like those made from wood or that are well upholstered, help the subconscious to feel protected.

Make sure to have a new mattress, as according to Feng Shui, a used mattress can be holding the energies of the previous owners.

Having storage under the bed is a great way to claim some extra space. But unfortunately it’s not good Feng Shui, as energy can’t freely flow around you or the bed. So if possible, don’t have drawers, boxes and other items living under the bed.

The direction you lay in bed also plays a part in how energies flow and nurture a good night's sleep. Placing your bed in the optimal direction may not always be possible due to the design of the room. But East is the best, North-east is fine. West is okay. South isn’t preferred and North is a big no-no in Feng Shui.

So as you can see, it isn’t all doom and gloom on the Feng Shui front! If your goal is to create good energy, by implementing other Feng Shui advice, having a mirror above your bed is a minor compromise for having a fantastic décor element in your bedroom.

5 Great Reasons Why You Should Hang a Mirror Above Your Bed

If Feng Shui isn’t your thing, then you'll be less constrained as to the positioning of your bed and ultimately where the mirror will hang.

Either way, you’re spoilt for choice when it comes to choosing a mirror, as there is an outstanding array of different styles, sizes and even colours to choose from.

There’s a few good reasons for using a mirror above the bed, so let’s get stuck in!

1. They help to bounce light around. In an opposite approach to Feng Shui, a mirror can be great for a bedroom that doesn’t have much natural light. If your bed faces a window, having the mirror placed opposite will help to spread some of that much needed sunshine. Even if the bed isn’t directly across from a window, the mirror may still catch some early morning or late evening rays.

mirror above bed next to window

2. You may not want a picture, print or particular subject matter displayed above the bed. Perhaps there’s already artwork on the other walls and with colourful or patterned bed covers, along with pillows, cushions, a throw and bedside lamps, another visual element over the bed may be too busy. So a mirror, especially in a nice frame, is a good and neutral alternative.

3. Just because it’s a mirror doesn’t mean it can’t add a splash of colour to your bedroom. Mirrors can be found that have coloured glass. Mostly the coloured glass is used as an accent rather than the whole surface being one colour. Especially with a frameless mirror, it’s a good way to tie in with other colours in the bedroom. If it has a frame, then you can match the frame colour to your décor.

4. You can create or add to the style of the bedroom. Although picture frames come in many styles, it can be trickier matching them to the image. An ornate frame isn’t going to work with modernist style photography for example. Whereas a mirror being neutral, you’re able to frame it how you like.

ornate mirror above bed

5. Framed artwork or even canvas prints can be available in a variety of sizes, but unlike mirrors, they don’t come in a wide variety of shapes. There’s round mirrors, square ones, arch shaped ones, diamond and semi-circle shaped mirrors to name a few. Because they’re also available in a range of sizes, you’re able to create interesting and unique arrangements with multiple mirrors. You can even mix in other wall art to make eye catching arrangements.

arrangement of small mirrors above bed

What About a Mirror on the Ceiling?

When we think of a mirror above the bed, we think of it being on the wall. But what about having a mirror actually ABOVE the bed, on the ceiling?

Sounds crazy if not a bit kinky, and the main reason most people would choose to have a mirror on the ceiling .. well I guess no need to answer that one!

I can only imagine how it would affect the Feng Shui of the room, plus you would want to make sure you used good builders to install it, especially if you live in an earthquake prone area.

They are sometimes used in hotel foyers, and in certain areas of a home they may actually be a great solution for creating more luminance.

Except for the obvious reason, I guess it could help in reflecting some light onto the bed, perhaps if there’s no bedside lamps, and especially if lighting was installed around the mirrors perimeter, you could at least read in bed.

mirror above bed on ceiling

A double whammy, a mirror above the bedhead and one on the ceiling.


It’s a much asked question, and I hope this article has provided some clarity around the use of mirrors being placed above the bed. Hopefully it’s given you something to reflect on ( oh dear .. sorry, bad pun alert! )

It may not be the best Feng Shui, but hanging a mirror over your bed won’t cause the house to burn down or your marriage to end in divorce.

Implementing other Feng Shui concepts will still allow an energy friendly bedroom whilst benefiting from the amazing choice that mirrors can bring to your décor.

Whether you’re a follower of the Feng Shui principles or not, after seeing the plethora of mirrors available, your next question will be “ which mirror do I choose? “, which is a nice segue (pronounced segway. Oh yes, I too thought it was spelt the way it sounded) to another article I wrote - Choosing the Perfect Mirror for any Room


Are you looking for a beautiful wall mirror? have a huge range of mirrors. You can read why I only promote certain companies here.


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